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Banger Terp Slurper with Marbles

Quickly becoming the favorite choice of concentrate consumers, the Terp Slurper offers tremendous taste and with the glass terp balls and ball carb cap extreme efficiency as well!

The Terp Slurp Banger is used to help enhance flavor with a better air vape mixture. May seem wasteful to some, but when used properly and efficiently, is a gem to your collection.  

What is a Terp Slurper?

A terp slurper is a type of bucket with a very precise design. The name mainly comes from its association with low-temperature dabbing, which enables us to experience the terpenes of the plant more effectively as they can degrade at higher temperatures.

Many of us are familiar with bucket bangers, and a terp slurper will therefore look quite familiar. But, upon closer inspection, you will notice some key differences. One difference is that a terp slurper has a cylinder in the middle section that extends to the bottom of the piece, with slits or holes at the base. There is a dish below that is connected to this cylinder, and four airflow slits. It’s a flat-top design with a wide dish, and a 90-degree joint angle.

One thing that makes a terp slurper unique is that you can apply a carb cap prior to adding the concentrate, and this is due to the unique nature of its design.